Now that I had completed 8 dives (4 checkouts, 2 charter and 2 shore dives), I knew I was ready to be a PADI Advanced Open Water diver. This was a massive mistake ! Signed up for the KDS PADI Advanced Course, had a great instructor in Sarah Catherine. But I was not ready, physically or dive skill wise. Day 1 kicked my ass. It was the first time being in the water and realizing I was not physically fit enough for this to go smoothly. But my EGO told me that I would breeze thru. But I didnt. Luckily I had a great dive buddy Chris M and he helped me get thru it. I passed, but I left that weekend realizing some things needed to change. I still remember drifting off of the Lily in that course, making sure I did not lose Sarah Catherine and her white fins. Pretty sure I ditched Chris on that :( Sorry Chris !!
My last dive of 2019, Sep 22 was my first time visiting the wreck of the Robert Gaskin. This was a charter dive and the last dive of my AOW course. I remember seeing how close the shore was from the wreck site and wondering if it was possible to make that swim :)
With the dive season now over, I knew in winter I had to work on my physical fitness. 2020 in my mind was going to be an EPIC dive year for me. Now I had to put in the offseason work to be ready for it.